by Engage Now Staff | Apr 9, 2016 | Anti-Slavery, ENA, Ethiopia, Human Trafficking, In the News, Modern Slavery, Uncategorized
We believe spreading awareness about human trafficking in at-risk communities plays a key role in eradicating modern slavery throughout Africa and the United States. That’s why we provided an anti-human trafficking conference for 15 at-risk villages in...
by Engage Now Staff | Apr 1, 2016 | Education, ENA, Ethiopia, Orphan Support, Uncategorized
Kuba and Gelano, who is physically handicapped, are orphaned children living with their relative. Kuba is 12 and Gelano is 11, until this year both were not able to attend school. Their relative was unable to pay for the purple school uniform and stationery expenses...
by Engage Now Staff | Apr 1, 2016 | ENA, Ghana, Namibia, Sierra Leone, Uganda
Want to get involved and help, but, can’t go to Africa?? Click below to find 15 easy ways to help and make an impact right here at home! 15EasyFundraisingIdeasFlyer]]>
by Engage Now Staff | Mar 26, 2016 | Anti-Slavery, Education, ENA, Ethiopia, Human Trafficking, In the News, Uncategorized
A human trafficking prevention program we implemented in two of our high schools in rural Ethiopia is now being regularly attended by over 500 students. The program focuses on educating and raising awareness for students on human trafficking and forced labor which...
by Engage Now Staff | Mar 26, 2016 | Education, ENA, Ethiopia, Uncategorized
Meet Senait! Senait is a widow and a mother of three. Until Engage Now Africa trained her and her community about the benefit of having private latrines, she and her children used to use the open fields as a restroom. Because of this, Senait says “…the...
by Engage Now Staff | Mar 7, 2016 | Education, ENA, Ghana
ENA donated all the materials and the school children and teachers were extremely grateful. The Headmaster, Mr Seidu Banle, shed tears of joy. He was especially grateful for the scarce commodity of “chalk” to write on the blackboards. Prior to this donation, the...