by Engage Now Staff | Jan 21, 2016 | Education, ENA, Ethiopia
As part of an energy reduction project, ENA collaborated with experts from the Woreda District Energy Office to provide 18 villages with energy saving solar and Mirte stoves. This project has already proved to be life changing for over 80,000 direct and indirect...
by Engage Now Staff | Jan 20, 2016 | Education, ENA, Ghana, Health and Medical Services
Meet Emmanuela! Emmanuela is an intelligent, driven 18 year old Engage Now Africa (ENA) scholarship recipient who dreams of becoming a nurse. Since Emmanuela’s mother passed away five years ago, she has been the sole provider for her sickly father and family....
by Engage Now Staff | Jan 12, 2016 | ENA
Dear Friends of Engage Now Africa, Please accept our heart felt thanks and gratitude for your participation in Engage Now Africa’s #GivingTuesday campaign. Many of you responded with your financial resources and notes of support and we are very grateful. We...
by Engage Now Staff | Jan 9, 2016 | Anti-Slavery, ENA, Ghana, Human Trafficking, In the News, Modern Slavery
ENA staff was honored to partner with Challenging Heights to host an all day human trafficking training and awareness event in a fishing community on the coast of Ghana. This particular community is very vulnerable to child exploitation and many children in this...
by Engage Now Staff | Nov 18, 2015 | Anti-Slavery, ENA, Ethiopia, Ghana, Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery, Namibia, Orphan Support, Sierra Leone, Uganda
Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesday). This year, Giving Tuesday falls on Tuesday, December 1st. While most are busy shopping at malls and scouring the internet for deeply discounted material items, a select few choose to take a break, take a step back and give where it...
by Engage Now Staff | Oct 24, 2015 | Education, ENA, Ethiopia
Meet Adane! Adane is a 14 year old boy who did not have the opportunity to attend school because there were no schools where he lives. But, in 2014 Engage Now Africa built a primary school in the village of Dire Shoki where he lives. The opening of the new school in...