August 2015 is a memorable month for all of the villagers in and surrounding Akako, Ethiopia!! ENA’s Akako deep water well is the first clean water source these villagers have ever had. This deep well is now providing water to 10,000 people with three completed...
The 2015 expedition to the village of Kaliti Ethiopia was a huge success!! We were blessed to have 16 people participate in our expedition this year, not including the 450 wonderful children that joined us each day in the village. Throughout our 10 day trip, we all...
Water is a basic necessity of life. Yet millions of people living in developing countries lack access to portable water. In Ghana, access to safe water remains one of the critical problems confronting rural communities. Information gathered from the Community Water...
Engage Now Africa has been working in a large amputee camp in rural Sierra Leone for over a year. In order to ensure a long term, healthy living environment, ENA recently completed four more hand well pumps and six new latrines!! The implementation of these two...