We are thrilled to announce that the high school we began constructing last year in Shama Laka is now complete!!! When we first mentioned our building plans, we were only able to post pictures of the very beginning stages of the foundation. But, after a lot of work...
We are thrilled to announce that the high school we began constructing last year in Shama Laka is complete!!! When we first announced our building plans, we were only able to post pictures of the very beginning stages of the foundation. But, after a lot of work and a...
Engage Now Africa has had quite a year! Here is a look back at 2013 in numbers… Ghana 8 new wells constructed. 8,000 people now have access to clean, safe drinking and bathing water for the first time. 160 people enrolled in Engage Now Africa’s literacy...
We are thrilled to announce construction on our new school in Kerfe is complete!!! The village of Kerfe is located two hours off any main roads and is the first school to ever be built in the region. After it’s grand...
We are thrilled to announce construction on our new school in Kerfe is complete!!! The village of Kerfe is located two hours off any main roads and is the first school to ever be built in the region. After it’s grand opening this week, we have already began...
During ENA’s June 2013 expedition to the Village of Teddecha, we discovered a young boy named Taddeles who had a large keloid near his right ear. Taddeles is ten years old and after his mother passed away when he was one years old, his father has...