Benjamin Dotu is three years old, weighs 30lbs (14kg) and suffers from Cerebral Palsy. “With a cry at birth, Ben’s delivered was normal like any other baby. When he was five days old, I realized he had yellowish eyes for which I went to the hospital and he was treated of jaundice. However, at 4months I noticed Ben could not control his neck and till today my son has not gained neck control. As time passed Ben’s breathing was associated with noisy sounds as though his nostrils were blocked. The doctors said the stiffening limbs were a result of cerebral palsy” says Ben’s mom.
Despite the many demands required of parents caring for a child with special needs, Benjamin’s mother is determined to support her child. She carries him everywhere. It was this plight that drew the attention of members of her church to seek for assistance for them.
When ENA met Benjamin and his mom we knew she needed support and encouragement. We were able to provide a wheelchair and financial assistance for Ben to undergo Physiotherapy. With this little support given, we believe Benjamin’s mom will be an encouragement to other parents with cerebral palsy children.
Benjamin’s mother says she “is most grateful to all ENA” and we are grateful to be there to help!]]>