We know that ending human trafficking starts with awareness. When people are educated about the problem and how to avoid it they are less likely to become victims. If those at risk can become informed and are taught the tricks or tactics traffickers use to exploit them, then they have the power to begin to stop this for themselves in their own villages. They can put an end to this modern slavery before it even begins. ENA began this awareness and prevention strategy in 2015 in response to the 411,600 estimated to be living in modern slavery in Ethiopia (Global Slavery Index, 2016. http://www.globalslaveryindex.org/index/), and as an organization we are committed to providing this prevention education in all of the villages where we work. We have already organized and hosted training meetings, passed out informative literature, and are now erecting large signboards around 14 of our 32 schools.
[caption id="attachment_8595" align="aligncenter" width="3264"]
ENA staff member Tata stands next to a prototype of a hand painted signboard that warns children and village members about the dangers of human trafficking. These types of signs will be put up in front of our schools.[/caption]
Over 3,000 people in rural Ethiopia have already attended these meeting this quarter alone. Every parent wants to keep their family and children safe and we love being able to provide the educational tools and information to help protect them from being victims of human trafficking
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="3264"]
ENA staff members teach about the dangers of human trafficking and how to keep families safe from harm.[/caption]